Filtro agenda / Didattica

The a.r.t. of Fulfilment 1 – Universal Education for Compassion and Wisdom

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Data: da Gio. 24 a Dom. 27 agosto 2017
Dove: Centro Kushi Ling, Loc. Laghel 19, Arco (Tn) 
Note: Il corso sarà tenuto in INGLESE, NON ci sarà la traduzione in italiano / Duration: Thursday 24 (2 pm) – Sunday 27 August (end: 5 pm) / Quota corso: 120 € (+ 15 € quota associativa annua per non soci) / Termine iscrizioni: 10 agosto / mail:

The a.r.t. of Fulfilment 1 – Universal Education for Compassion and Wisdom: Action, reflection, transformation.

The a.r.t. of Fulfilment programme is a systematic inquiry into how you can lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life in the 21st century.
The programme explores 3 integrated themes:
· Inner Happiness – how an ethical framework of basic human values such as kindness and courage can be cultivated, embodied and enacted in daily life to create the causes for genuine sustainable happiness.
· Good Heart – how empathy and compassion can be developed through simple practices for more caring, positive relationships in the family, community and society.
· Clear Mind – how training in attention and awareness develops the skills to become free from disturbing mental habits and make positive choices within the complexity of modern life.
In this 3 1/2 day course we will work with the first 3 topics of the course. The rest of the topics will be presented in a second course in January 2018.


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